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с английского на баскский

( partidua)

  • 1 partidu

    (H) (I) iz.
    1. Kir. match, game; futbol-\partidua i. soccer match, football match ii. ( AEBetako futbola) football game; lagunarteko \partidua friendship match
    2. alderdi

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > partidu

  • 2 berebiziko

    1. (berezia) special, specific; batzuei guztietatikoak irakasten dizkiet eta beste batzuei \berebizikoak to some I teach general things and to others specific things
    a. exceptional, extraordinary, great; \berebiziko lana egin zuen he did exceptional work; \berebizikoa da zure semea your son is most exceptional | your son is a gem; \berebiziko hitzaldia egin zuen he gave a masterful speech; horretarako \berebizikoa da he's is great at that; \berebiziko partidua izan da it was a great match; \berebiziko ondoen better than ever; harroa zen baina \berebiziko ondoen apaldu zuten she was arrogant but she was taken down a notch or two
    b. (egoki-egoki) \berebiziko dator zure iritzia your opinion is right on; hori izan zen zuretzat \berebizikoa that was just what you needed; \berebizikoa da lan horretarako he's the very man for that job
    3. (izugarria, ederra) (z.tx.) \berebiziko masailekoa eman zion she slapped him silly; \berebiziko atsekabeak great sorrows; emazteari \berebizikoak eman zizkion he beat his wife horribly; i-i \berebizikoak bota to give sb a piece of his mind

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > berebiziko

  • 3 eten

    [from e- (ancient participial marker) + Lat. tendere or tentum] iz.
    a. interruption, cutoff; \etenik ez duen jipoia a non-stop beating
    b. suspension
    c. ( geldigunea) pause; \etena hirugarren silabaren ondoren beti egoten da there is always a pause after the third syllable
    2. Med.
    a. hernia; \etenak jotako gizona a man with a hernia ; \etena egin zaio he got a hernia
    b. fracture, break
    3. ( akatsa) defect ; \etenak eta hobenak defects and vices; \etenik gabe egindako lana flawlessly executed work
    a. ( arraildura, pitzadura) crack, cranny, crevice, fissure; lorontzi honek, azpialdetik \etena dauka this flower vase has a crack running up from the bottom
    b. ( urratzea) tear; \etena egin zitzaion mantalari her apron tore
    5. (Liter.) caesura io. intermittent, discontinuous; haren hitz \etenak his sputtering words du/ad.
    1. to interrupt, break; arbitroak partidua \eten egin zuen the referee {interrupted || stopped} the game
    b. Zine. \eten! cut!
    2. ( solasa) to interrupt, butt into
    3. ( urratu) to tear; zainak \eten zitzaizkion his tendons were torn
    a. ( linea) to cut
    b. ( bidea) to cut, cut off
    c. ( zerbitzua) to cut, stop, interrupt, suspend
    d. ( harreman diplomatikoak) to break, break off; harremanak \etenda daude relations have been broken off
    5. ( legea) to break, infringe upon
    6. ( berezi) to separate (- tik: from) ; gugandik \etenak separated from us; gerrateak elkarrengandik \eten zituen they were separated by the war
    7. ( nekarazi) to exhaust, tire out; \etenda zegoen he was exhausted da/ad.
    1. ( soka) to snap, break
    2. ( urratu) to tear; oihal \eten zen the cloth tore
    3. to stop, cease; haizea \eten da the wind's died down; \eten gabe without end | incessantly | continually | constantly | without letup
    4. ( isilaldia) to break, interrupt
    5. ( p.)
    a. to break down
    b. ( ahitu, nekatu) to become exhausted
    c. Med. to get a hernia

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eten

  • 4 futbol

    a. football, soccer (USA) ( b.b.)
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \futbol-partidua football match; \futbol-taldea football team; \futboltxapelketa football championship ; areto-\futbol indoor football
    2. (USA) \futbol amerikar American football (GB), football (USA)
    Jakingarria: Estatu Batuetan, soccer esaten zaio, azken hau eta American football bereizteko.

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > futbol

  • 5 irabazi

    1. Fin.
    a. profit; \irabazi garbi net profit; \irabazi gordin gross profit; \irabaziak eta galerak profits and losses; \irabazi bidegabeak illicit profits | ill-begotten gains; \irabazi urriak lortu to bring in meagre profits
    b. \irabaziak earnings; kapitalaren \irabaziak capital gains; \irabazien erdia eman zion he gave her half of his earnings; liburuen \irabaziak behartsuen artean banatu zituen he distributed the earnings from the books among the poor; urteroko \irabaziak yearly earnings
    2. ( apustuari d.) winnings du/ad.
    a. ( lortu) to get, achieve, obtain
    b. ( ardietsi) to gain, earn; betiko bizitza irabaz dezagun let us gain eternal life ; itzul-lanetan \irabazi duen entzutea a reputation gained from his translation work; zer \irabazi duzu hainbeste gezur esanda? what have you gained by lying so much?; barkamen osoa irabazteko in order to gain a full pardon
    c. ( merezi izan) to deserve; ongi \irabazia du gaur egiten zaion omenaldia he richly deserves the homage they're paying to him today
    d. ( saria) to win
    e. ( lurralde, eskualde, itsasoari) to reclaim; holandarrek lurra \irabazi diote itsasoari the Dutch have reclaimed land from the sea
    f. ( besteren onginahia lortu edo beretu) to gain; zer balio du gizonak mundua irabaz dezan, arima galtzen baldin badu? what good is it for a man to gain the world if he loses his soul
    2. Fin.
    a. ( soldata, bizimodua) to earn; egunoroko ogia \irabazi to earn one's daily bread; lan asko egiten du baina gutxi irabazten he works a lot but earns little; jateko adina \irabazi to earn enough to eat
    b. ( interesa) to earn
    c. ( dirua) to make, earn; nekearen nekez \irabazitako txanponak hard-earned money; etxea erosi zuen salmentan \irabazi zuenarekin he bought the house with what he made on the sale; ikazkintzan irabazten zituen sos apurrak the pittance he made from charcoal making
    a. ( partidua, lasterketa) to win; nork irabazten du? who's winning?
    b. ( lehiakidea) to leave behind, surpass, outstrip
    c. ( kontrakoa) to beat; Galartzak Retegiri \irabazi dio oraingoan Galartza's beaten Retegi this time

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > irabazi

  • 6 joko

    [from Lat. iocu] iz.
    a. game; bola \joko bowls; dama \joko game of draughts (GB), game of checkers (USA) ; karta \joko game of cards; pilota \jokoa the game of handball; bideo \jokoa video game
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \joko legeak rules of the game; \joko, set, eta partidua game, set and match; \jokoa besterik ez da it's only a game
    c. (esa.) \joko garbia fair play; \jokoz kanpo Kir. out of bounds; \joko zikina foul play
    2. ( demari, apostuei d.)
    a. game, gambling; \joko itsu game of chance; \joko bat egin to play a game
    b. ( dirua, e.a.) bet; zer da \jokoan? what's at stake?; \jokoan eman to gamble | bet on
    c. (esa.) gure askatasuna dago \jokoan our freedom is at stake
    d. [ izenen aurrean ] gambling; \joko etxe casino, gambling house
    a. play, gag, prank, joke
    b. hitz \joko pun, play on words, word play
    4. (Gram.)
    a. ( aditzei d.) conjugation
    b. ( izenei d.) declination
    5. (irud.) \joko bikoitz double dealing; haren \jokoa ondotxo ezagutzen diat I know his little game

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > joko

  • 7 luzatu

    a. to lengthen, extend; urratsak \luzatu zituen he lengthened his stride
    b. ( soinekoa) to lengthen, let down
    c. ( soka) to let out, stretch out
    a. ( eskua) to put out, stretch out, extend
    b. ( hanka) to extend, stretch out
    c. ( lepoa) to stretch, crane
    d. ( mingaina, mihia) to stick out; txakurra etzanda zegoen, mingaina \luzaturik the dog was lying down with its tongue hanging out
    e. ( begia) inguruko mendietatik harantz begiak luzatzen ez dakigu if we can't look beyond the mountains around us
    3. ( denboraldia, egonaldia, e.a.)
    a. to prolong, extend, protract; medikuek bizia \luzatu zioten doctors prolonged his life
    b. ( epea) to extend
    c. ( hitzaldia, e.a.) to drag out, spin out, drag on with; hitzaldia \luzatu zuen he spun his talk out | he took his time in the talk
    d. ( partidua) to extend
    4. ( gerorako utzi) to put off; bere egitekoa \luzatu behar zuen he had to put off his task; \luzatu ez biharko \luzatu! don't put if off until tomorrow; gehiago \luzatu gabe without further ado; ez da gehiago luzatzerik it can't be put off any longer; emango ba didazue, luza ez iezaidazue if you're going to give it to me, don't delay any longer; ingurugiroa gerora ezin luza daitekeen arazoa da the environment is a matter that can't be {put off || put on a back burner}
    a. ( agiria, dokumentua) to draw out
    b. ( txekea) to make out, draw
    c. ( errezibua) to make out
    d. ( zertifikatua) to issue da/ad.
    1. to lengthen, get longer; proiektua asko \luzatu zait the project has become drawn out
    a. ( egunak, gauak) to get longer, draw out; egunak hozten eta gauak luzatzen direnean when the days grow colder and nights grow longer
    b. ( hitzaldia, berbaldia, e.a.) to drag out; ez naiz gehiegi \luzatuko gai honetaz mintzatzen I won't dwell on this subject too much

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > luzatu

  • 8 ondo

    1. ( taloitegiari d.) stub
    2. ( motzondoa) tree stump
    3. → -ondo, ondorio, ondoren
    a. well; \ondo egin du he's done it well; ez dut \ondo ikusten I don't see very well; ingelesez \ondo egiten du she speaks English well; osasunez \ondo dago he's in good health
    b. ( bizi izan) comfortably, well
    c. zer moduz? — \ondo, eta zu! how are you? — fine and you?
    d. \ondo ibili bon voyage!; \ondo pasa! have a good time! | have fun!
    a. well, properly, right; fine; \ondo erantzun to answer right
    b. ( kalkulatu) right; nahiko \ondo atera zaizkigu kontuak our accounts came out just right
    a. ( nahikoa) quite, very much; orain \ondo damututa daude, bai, alderdi horri botua emateagatik now they regret very much having voted for that party
    b. (+ io.) quite; \ondo ederra da zuen ama your mother is quite beautiful interj. \ondo! all right! | O.K.! | great!; oso \ondo! i. ( partidua, e.a.) wat to go! ii. ( parlamentuan, hizlariarekin ados dagoela adierazteko, e.a.) hear! hear!; zer ondo! great! | oh, good!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ondo

  • 9 txoil

    iz. (G) (NG) ( erabat) totally, very, quite, absolutely; \txoil eder quite lovely; partidua \txoil bukatu baino lehen before the game was altogether over

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > txoil

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